Released April 3, 2020
The Bell Streets is a musical collaboration between Nick Batterham and Josh Meadows. Josh is the singer from The Sugargliders and The Steinbecks.
"The Bell Streets were always going to be an assured proposition considering the quality of both components, however, even I was surprised how truly opulent this debut album is!" - Janglepophub 3 April 2020
"...songs unfold like never before, with confounding class and talent... This is an album that settles directly into the pile of rare albums from the third millennium that will regularly and lastingly tickle our ears. Sincerely pop." - Theirry Martin, Fanfare 13 April 2020
"Brooklyn is a sublime pop-rock tune with Johnny Marr-style guitar licks. Gratitude is the theme, an area rarely visited by The Smiths. In a more welcoming world it would be all over the radio." - Noel Mengel, Music Trust 27 April 2020
"Whoah, this was certainly a pleasant surprise.... Someone needs to get these two gents back into a studio and fast. There’s magic here….there really is." - DaggerZine 28 April 2020
All songs by Batterham/Meadows. Played and sung by Nick Batterham and Josh Meadows, with Kelly Day (vocals), Craig Mitchell (drums), Joel Sprake (drums), Phil McLeod (cello), Jenny M Thomas (violin and viola) and Adam Simmons (sax). Recorded and mixed by Nick Batterham. Mastered by Adam Dempsey at Deluxe.